"The power and confidence to do much comes from the personal knowledge and understanding that you can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens you. An unstoppable person is that one who does what is required of him/her and is confident that nothing required of them is too difficult because they know that with JESUS on their side they can do anything and everything they put their minds to. May GOD grant you confidence as your fulfill your assignment here on earth. Blessed Friday and fruitful weekend."

Lets Change The World Together

Grow your faith

How to Know God

The decision to follow Christ is the most important decision of your life. Learn from this article how to go about this new life.

How to be filled with the Holy Spirit

Did you know that the Holy Spirit is around to make things a lot easier? Have you engaged Him yet? This article will show you how.

Become a Fundraiser

How would you like to share your faith? What options have you considered? This article will help you.

This is the most important decision in your life and determines whether you spend your eternity in Hell or Heaven. Please do not take it lightly. Do it now while you can…

Life Ministry Lesotho through its Ministry Critical Components, has been busy in the field of the Lord winning Souls, building them in discipleship and sending them back to win more souls. 

2 million+ people helped

38+ years of service

198 countries of opperation

20+ community centers

God’s plan

How to live the life God intended for you

Once you place your life in His hands, you’re going to ask God to help you find five things:

In 1 Peter 1:22 Reads

The word of the Lord stands.

“Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love
for your brothers, love one another deeply from the heart.”

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